
Web Data Analysis for your online business


Web data analysis is the process of collecting, analyzing, and reporting data collected from websites. Data can be collected from a website’s ho...

Factors that guarantee the success of a website


When it comes to a website, there are many factors that can determine its success. One of the most important factors is the design and user experience...

Video marketing


Brands need a videotape marketing strategy. Although this idea isn't new, what has changed moment is the significance that the audiovisual format has...

Web data analysis


Web data analysis is the process of extracting useful information from data collected from a website. Web data analysis has many applications in...

Setting up a standard website for your business


The following points should be considered to line up a regular website for your business. 1) Define your goals and objectives. 2) Create an internet...

Product research and product marketing


Product research and merchandise marketing are the 2 main pillars of a successful business. they're the key to understanding your customers, their nee...

Develop your content plan


The content plan is a critical part of any marketing strategy. It will help you to identify the types of content you need to create, the frequency of...

Web Analytics


Web analytics is a method of collecting data on the behavior of visitors to a website. The data is collected in order to better understand the needs o...

Determine and analyse consumer behaviour


Consumer behaviour is the study of how people buy, what they buy, what they buy and why they buy. it's how to know how consumers think and behave. Th...

Interactive marketing


Interactive marketing may be a marketing strategy that aims to interact with customers in an exceedingly dialogue through digital channels. Interactiv...

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