Determine and analyse consumer behaviour

Consumer behaviour is the study of how people buy, what they buy, what they buy and why they buy. it's how to know how consumers think and behave.

The first step in understanding consumer behaviour is to grasp the individual. This includes their needs and desires, their people, ethnicity, gender etc. The second step is to know the environment in which the individual lives in. This includes factors like culture, climate and socio-political influences. Finally, we want to know how these two factors influence one another for example what influences a human decision on whether or to not purchase something?

Consumers are the backbone of any product. The behaviour of consumers is a vital aspect of the success of a product. Understanding and predicting the behaviour of consumers is crucial for any company to succeed. Consumer behaviour is often studied by watching their needs, wants, and desires. Needs are aspects that folks need so as to survive like food, water, shelter and clothing. Wants are things that folks want but don't need like TVs, cars etc. Desires are things that individuals desire but don’t need like frozen dessert or pizza etc.

The study of consumer behaviour falls into three categories:

1) Motivation:

2) Personality:

3) Learning process:

Consumer behaviour is the study of consumer actions, decisions and behaviours. This includes the influences on consumer behaviour, like marketing and advertising campaigns, social media posts and peer pressure, further because of the effects of culture, family and gender. The consumer behaviour research will be accustomed understand what consumers want or need during a product or service. It may also be wont to help predict how they'll behave in certain situations.

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