SEO strategy that works for you in 2023


Create an SEO strategy that works for you in 2023;


Step #1: Benchmark your current SEO performance by observing your organic traffic, keyword ranking, and backlinks.

Organic traffic is the lifeblood of your website's success.

Keyword ranking is crucial for gaining visibility and traffic.

Backlinks are like a stamp of approval from other websites.

All of these insights together paint a comprehensive picture of your site's overall performance.


Step #2: Analyze your competitors' SEO strategies to capitalize on their weaknesses, replicate their strengths, and prioritize important SEO tasks. 

Identify Your Competitors.

Start by identifying your main SEO competitors. 

Find Your Competitors’ Valuable Keywords

Next, identify valuable keywords that your competitors currently rank for, but you don’t. 

Each of those keywords is an opportunity for you to capture more traffic.

Audit Your Competitors’ Backlinks.

Backlinks are one of the most important pieces of the SEO puzzle. They represent a “vote of confidence” from one site to another.


Step #3: Set your goals and KPIs by determining the end outcome you want to achieve and measurable values that help you track progress against your goals.

This step involves tracking your average CTR and coverage issues.


Step #4: Audit your site's existing content to find opportunities for improvement. 

Find Low-Performing Pages to Delete or Redirect.

Your first step is to find the low-performing pages on your site and remove, redirect, or optimize them. 

You can easily find poor-performing content using Google Analytics. 

Evaluate Your Content Based on Traffic.

Improve & Relaunch.


Step #5: Build Out Topic Clusters 

Topic clusters are groups of interlinked pages about a particular subject.

A “pillar” page focused on a topic.

A “cluster” of pages covering related subtopics in more depth.

Internal linking between all the pages.


Step #6: Improve Your On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing your web content for search engines and users, it plays a major role in Google’s ranking factors. 

Title tags

Meta descriptions


Internal links



Step #7: technical optimization troubleshooting

Technical SEO is the process to optimize pages for search engines to find, crawl, understand, and index your pages.


XML sitemaps

Site architecture

URL structure

Structured data

Thin content

Duplicate content


Canonical tags

404 pages

301 redirects, and more. 

Use Google Search Console to help monitor and troubleshoot your website’s appearance in search results.


Step #8: Work on Your Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO means actions taken outside your website that impact your rankings.

Common off-page SEO actions are Building backlinks, Encouraging branded searches, and Increasing engagement and shares on social media.

Create backlinks by manually adding links to your site from other websites.

Earn backlinks by creating useful content people want to link to.

Build backlinks by reaching out to other site owners, editors, or web admins and asking them to link to your site.


Evaluate and Refine Your Strategy. Google ranking is a bit of a juggling act. Optimize for one keyword, and other rankings drop. Cyclical SEO strategies are never finished. Rinse, repeat, and evaluate for growth opportunities.


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