Lost in Code: The Demise of 10 Dead Programming Languages – Part 9: Smalltalk

Few programming languages have had such a significant impact as Smalltalk. Smalltalk, created in the early 1970s by Alan Kay and his colleagues at Xerox PARC, was a groundbreaking language that provided the groundwork for object-oriented programming. It was one of the first languages to completely embrace the concept of "objects," which separate data and behaviour into distinct pieces. Despite its early promise and substantial contributions to computer science, Smalltalk eventually slipped from prominence, replaced by more accessible and adaptable languages.

One of Smalltalk's most notable features was its interactive development environment, which enabled programmers to test and edit code in real-time. This dynamic feature, together with its pure object-oriented approach, made Smalltalk groundbreaking at the time. However, it was precisely the novelty that contributed to its demise. As computing migrated from research institutions to commercial and enterprise environments, Smalltalk's intricacies and learning curve made it less appealing to developers and organizations seeking practical, easy-to-learn languages.

Object-oriented programming gained popularity in the 1990s, but languages such as C++, Java, and, subsequently, Python stole the show. These languages provided a more adaptable approach to object orientation and were better suited to the expanding needs of large-scale software development. As a result, Smalltalk was left behind, despite its continued popularity among a small but devoted fan base.

Smalltalk is still used in some academic and industrial settings, but its heyday has passed. Its legacy, however, is unmistakable. Smalltalk pioneered concepts such as the integrated development environment (IDE) and object-oriented principles, which are now widely used in modern software development. Though Smalltalk is no longer widely used, its influence may still be felt in the languages and tools we use today, serving as a reminder of the creative attitude that drove early programming.

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